Saturday, October 9, 2010

Let's pray he does alright.

Out of 6,000 candidates they pick a clown?

You could continue to say that the clown congressman that was elected to Brazil didn't mean business, or that he just wanted the benefits of being a congressman, but I refuse to think that he ran just because he felt like it. I cant say that I personally know why he ran, but there is a reason that all heads of state run for candidacy, he must of thought that something was wrong, and he could fix it. but the question in mind for me was Why did the people vote for him? I have a few reasons to think why they chose him above any other
  1. There is an undeniable satisfaction in laughing after a hard day, week, or history. I think that maybe this is why the people voted for "Grumpy" maybe, just maybe they needed some comic relief, after all, we all do some time, and you can not deny that Grumpy is funny. His logo "It can't get worse" is something that strikes me as odd, why people would want to believe a guy who basically says "things are not too great, vote for me and lets see what will happen" is beyond me, but I think maybe the people of Brazil are tired of know-it-alls running for office and need a little funny.
  2. Another reason why maybe he won is because people liked his thoughts, have you ever thought of that? The only source we have heard from on what his ideas are, are stupid YouTube videos of him speaking in a language we don't understand. If you lived in Brazil and listened to their news, and maybe even went to rally we might have a better idea of who this guy really is.
That said I have come to the conclusion that this guy "Grumpy" might be, OK.
Lets just pray he does alright!


  1. I agree! Some insight as to his legitimacy and why he may have run, I think, could be found if we knew the answers to these questions:

    -How do his friends, families, and business associates (the contortionist, bearded lady, and ringmaster to be specific, maybe an elephant or two) feel about his candidacy and position?

    -Whose idea was it that he run?

    -Where did his funding come from? It takes money to campaign... who was behind him?

  2. The third question is really good. I never thought of that!
