Thursday, September 23, 2010


The U.S. is never lacking on ways to pointlessly waste money on things that are unnecessary but cool. I have a few questions on the ability of these RFID's (Radio frequency identification device). I cannot help asking why? I would first like to know who is watching these screens full of Orange and red dots all over them? You would think that if the teachers were watching the kids closely, (which is what their job is) that they would not need to have kids carrying high tech chips around all day. It limits the teachers rather then "Free our teachers up from some of these administrative tasks, so they can teach" said Karen Mitchoff, spokeswoman for Contra Costa County Employment and Human Services Department. At first it was very interesting to me that they were testing these on Pre-Schoolers. But after looking into to it further I realized that they wanted to test it on less knowledgeable "youngsters" who would not know that they are being tracked everyday at school. So the question is if they were to use this on anyone in high-school that it is extremely likely that most of them would find a way to get the chip off of them in no time. So that the only school kids we could use these devices on is pre-schoolers which, in my opinion, is rather a wast of money. Beside the fact that it is really creepy and unnecessary, and pointless. There our many other things we could be using our money for then tracking chips, in little kids jumpers.


  1. I agree. Discipline-wise, I think the biggest problem is instilling in kids the need for technology to keep them in line. What message is it sending to the children when adults imply that a computer chip is what prevents them from ditching class? Kids should be taught the value of education, not the efficacy of technology, to keep them in school.

  2. I completly agree. I worry that when they get out of pre-school and they truly understand what happend in pre-school that they will get (for lack of a better word) Twisted.

  3. Nice post Ulzii. I especially like the visual writing with the dots bouncing across the screen. You helped me to see that this could be a time waster, not a time increaser. I agree with AbbyF in that the young absorb messages that the adults maybe don't even mean to transmit, like, the chip is what keeps me safe, and in class....
