Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ignore the facts why don't you.

"Mr. President, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen" though I disagree with over half the things president Ahmadinejad said to the UN this week I must give him credit for how formally he said half the things he said, blunt, but formal. He said most of his arguments in way that that made you want to believe him even if you don't. it might be his charm, or good looks but president Ahmadinejad is "good". now we can get on to the impotent stuff.

First, addressing the point Ahmadinejad made about the 9/11 attack on the twin towers in 2001.
In a nutshell the president proposed that the American government was behind the attack. (a shock to all) he ignored the simple fact that Al-qaeda admitted that they had planed the attack for some time and that they were pleased with the outcome. Another point the President ignored is why we (the American government) would want to kill over 3,000 innocent people? On the other hand president Ahmadinejad is not the only one who thinks this. their are groups all over America. if you type in google "Who was behind 9/11 attacks" their our scads of blogs, opinion pages, groups, and just plane articles of people clamming the U.S. Gov was behind the attack, my point is he is for sure not the only one. One point I agree with him on, the point he made about how we are all so said that the 9/11 attack happened but that "in Afghanistan and
Iraq hundreds of thousands of people have been killed, millions wounded and
displaced and the conflict is still going on and expanding" and we don't seem to give much thought.

second, I will address the fact of him saying the United Nations is useless. I find it interesting that he said this to the UN.
It seems to me that this vary charming, blunt, and all around vary opinionated man has a knack for making people VARY mad. in the words of President Ahmadinejad him self "Praise to Love and worship, praise to justice and freedom, praise to the
true humanity, the complete human, the true companion of the humankind and
peace be upon you"


  1. He does bring about an interesting point on the casualties for the War in Afghanistan and Iran. I do wonder, however, if those numbers are also counting within them the number of soldiers and civilians the terrorists there have killed, or the multitudes that the late Saddam Hussein himself had put to death.

    I must grudgingly admit that I agree with him on one thing, though: The U.N. is pretty much useless.

  2. Yeah, I do wonder if that number dose include that.

    In some ways yes.

  3. Wesley, that is just what I was going to say. I could never find it again, but I did a research report on the Iraq war last year and an article I read placed casualties caused by Saddam Hussein much much higher than the casualties inflicted by our forces. I still do not agree with the war, but it does reveal President Ahmadinejad's point to be narrow at best.

    Ulzii, while the President did offer the American Government up as the bad guys of 9/11, he did also provide another viewpoint that they may have only supported Al-qaeda (many believe we did the same with the Japanese and Pearl Harbor)which means that Al-qaeda was still responsible.

    As far as killing 3,000 innocent people, you would have to believe that your government is capable of such a lie, but the truth is that the attack (whether our fault or Al-qaeda's) gave grounds to declare War on Terror. The benefits of the war range from oil oil oil to international presence to (most nauseatingly) the privatization of war and the profits therein.

    As far as saying the UN is useless, I thought it was funny too that he would say that when he is the one at the meeting!

  4. 'Tis true, his point is either narrow, or mis-leading, for the only other thing I see that he could be saying is that, blood for blood, the debt Al Qaeda holds to the U.S. for it's civilians has been payed in full. It's a bit archaic, but I can see how logically he could conclude it.

    I hold no illusions about the purity of our government, and can secede that it is possible that someone on the inside might have hired the terrorists. It strikes me as rather implausible, though, considering that most terrorist organizations aren't exactly renowned for making good mercenaries. I think if they were hired, or even given a free pass, they would have leaked it by now in an effort to destabilize the government. It's just too juicy of a dirty little secret for them to not capitalize upon. Heck, world government's can't even keep from doing it to each other(See Britain during the Google V. China privacy conflicts.)

    What is slightly more plausible to me, is that we were tipped off that it could be possible. That would explain a great deal of the haste in the response to 9/11, especially the dodgy information of the Iraqi WMD. If they waited and that time cost 3,000 American lives, The CIA and the Bush administration could have quite understandably felt that now was a time for action, not caution. It was provoking, and the Cui Bono test says that maybe, just maybe that was the point. But, that's a discussion for another time, eh?

  5. For someone who knows very little about conspiracy theories, this was quite the shocking article. It is really a disturbing idea that our government could do something to horrible, or that people believe that they could do it. In response to the point in your post where you talked about the terrorists admitting to the crime therefore derailing the idea that America commited the attacks I must point out that Ahmadinejad also posed the theory that America "ordered" the attack not orchestrated it. If I was into conspiracy theories this would make a lot more sense. America needs to work on its global rep!

  6. But you see, it still stands that Al Qaeda is accepting full responsibility for the attack. If they had never claimed it, that would be one thing. But they are saying "we are responsible, we did it because we hate you", and Al Qaeda has been around for a bit longer than the 9/11 attacks. It would serve their ends perfectly to betray their U.S. employers and blow the lid off of everything.

  7. And why would Al Qaeda claim it if they never did it, there would be no benefit for them.
