Friday, December 11, 2009

President Obama's Nobel Prize speech

This is a link to the speech text. The speech is brilliant in many ways. I am inadequately qualified to amplify or clarify the philosophy that is presented. I do think that the history of Reagan and perestroika is not as it is presented. This however is a minor point and although it is interesting that this understanding is that of the American president, a well educated and brilliant man. This of course makes me doubt my understanding of this time in a big way. If you read Gorbachev's book, it is clear that the ideas of perestroika were not primarily about economic freedom as is often quoted in the West. An example quote:" Those who hope that we will move away from the socialist path will be greatly disappointed. Every part of our program of perestoika... is fully based on the principle of more socialism. Mikhail Gorbachev November 2, 1987 The idea was to find a way to integrate what was a third world country economically with a first world military. The arms control part of the comment may also be faulty, but again, who am I to question the president and his history majoring, ivy league going speech writers. My memory had it more like tough love arms negotiations by Pres. Reagan. If I have this wrong, I would like to be corrected.
But really folks, this is a great speech!!! -read it!


  1. I find it interesting to note that President Obama is accepting the peace prize just after he announces his plan to send more troops to Afghanistan.What exactly has he done to further PEACE in the world?

  2. The Nobel prize committee explained their choice. I think the consensus was it was the choice of the un "Bush" foreign policy, more than any action he personally could claim. A person may argue parts of the speech as philosophers, Quakers, hawks and plain citizens have done through time. The thing is that it is excellent rhetoric, whether you agree with him or not. ( It might be noted that this writer thinks we should have withdrawn from Afganistan or committed enough troops to be sure of victory) so I am not saying I think he worthy of the Peace Prize- but I don't award it. It was still a great speech!
