Friday, October 2, 2009

Virgin Of Suyapa- Honduran hope

Honduras' serious political situation with the accompaning distress of the people has galvanized the population with the idea that the only way forward requires divine intervention. Many of the population are calling on the The Virgin of Suyapa. a 3 inch statuette of the Virgin Mary , nicknamed La Morentia, or little dark one . This La Morenita , found on a hillside in 1747 makes its home in a small church near the capital and has been credited with many miracles.

The home of the statue has become a fire point of its own. The Cardinal Oscar Rodriquez, an ex-instructor of the exiled president , Zelaya went on television asking him not to return to Honduras. This did not sit well with the supporters of Zelaya. An angry mob tried to storm the church where the La Morenita is housed. Last Sunday parishioners gathered for their first Sunday Mass since Zeleya has returned to the country. It is reported that police circled the church housing la Morenita with rifles in the air duing the mass. The Wall Street Journal report on Oct 2, 2009 that " Many stood before the altar, waving framed portraits of the Virgin as an assistant sprinkled holy water. Father Ruiz led the services.... and said," With all of the uncertainty now in the country , we beg for your help. Honduras is like the baby held by King Solomon in danger of being split in two by its current president and its ousted one. Maybe the virgin should be president. She is only 6 centimeter tall, but she has greatness."

I join with those praying for divine intervention in Honduras. It will take the wisdom of Solomon to reason a way forward and help from above to traverse this most difficult dilemna. I agree with Father Ruiz that greatness is required. The two presidents, the intervening politicians and diplomats will all need to put self and ego in a secondary position to their countries pressing needs to find a way forward. I pray they do so speedily as greatness would demand.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well, I for one would vote for the virgin. Maybe their whole problem down there is that they let the MEN make the decisions (that was a joke, I swear).

    I think the assessment that they need to put their egos aside is very true. People get so wrapped up in the pursuit of power they forget that the duty of the leader is to serve the people. It sounds to me like our country is supporting a power-hungry man (Mr. Zelaya) who served his terms and should have stepped down from the position when his time was up.
